Monday, March 14, 2011

Preston's First 5K

This is so amazing, I have to share.

Preston's BFF got him to run in the St. Patrick's 5K on Saturday. If you know Preston or his BFF for that matter, you know there must be a bet involved.  These two bet on anything and everything. 

The Bet: Preston must finish the 5K within 2 minutes of BFF's time to win $100. Otherwise he owes BFF $50. 2-1 odds. 

How BFF stacks up:
- He is a runner, a fast runner
- He just finished up The Pikes Peak Road Runners Winter Series- meaning he has been running outside since January
- He is training for some crazy race to Crested Butte or something insane like that

How Preston stacks up:
- He plays racquetball... with BFF about once a week or so
- The last time he ran was playing full court basketball back in January or so
- He has long legs   

 Ashley and I didn't start with Preston. We wanted to go our pace and run our race and not worry about Preston dying on the side of the road. 
Our paths did cross around mile 2.5. We were still heading North and Preston was heading South towards the finish line. When I saw him I got choked up. Unexpected! It hit me that he is really doing this. No training, no fancy pace calculating watch or spiffy running shoes. And it appears he is still alive going strong and beating me!!! 

Sure enough Preston finished his first 5K in 25:02!!!!!! 


So who won the bet? 

BFF did! Preston missed the 2 minute slot by 10 seconds!!!!

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