Sunday, September 18, 2011

An A.D.D. Weekend

I have been antsy-pantsy this weekend. I can't just sit and relax. I always have to be doing something. I am usually NOT like this. I love Sunday naps and lounging around.

Friday, Preston and I ate out at Jose Muldoon's (2nd best taco salad in Colorado Springs. Salsa Brava wins bragging rights). I then spent the evening leasurly cleaning the house, blogging, reading and catching up on Project Runway.

Saturday, peeps came over for the CU vs. CSU football game. I cleaned some more when I woke, went to the grocery store, made bracelets, played Mexican Train, watched a lot of College Football and Project Runway, blogged, made homemade Wheat Veggie Pizza, started knitting a kitchen wash cloth and cleaned some more.

Sunday, I went to the grocery store (again), enjoyed breakfast at Starbucks and Einsteins, bought a puzzle at Barnes & Noble, cleaned the house again (I was in a mad cleaning streak), watched football, make Energy Oat Balls, started on the puzzle, did some laundry, played with the pups, changed the theme on the blog, and blogged.

I have never felt so a.d.d. in my life! I would start something be totally content for awhile and then crave something new. Hence the puzzle, cleaning, reading, knitting and cooking.

I am totally warn out from basically nothing. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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