Monday, October 1, 2012

{Closet Makeover}

Last Friday I spent the evening helping Ashley clean out her closet. She requested a closet makeover for her birthday. She got the idea from Kayne West. Apparently he made Kim Kardashian clean out her closet and update it. I always thought Kim dressed amazing, but then again what do I know.

Ashley was a trooper! She tried on every single item in her closet. With every article of clothing she would tell me where she bought it and what she wore it to. We even found some clothes from high school! Here is the before photo that I snapped about half way through the process. This picture doesn't even do it justice. I have never seen so many clothes and shoes in my life! Most hangers had 5 pieces of clothing hanging from it. 


We got a kick out of this "dress". It was the largest most frumpiest thing I have ever seen!!! Don't worry, we put it in the Goodwill pile! Ashley has lost so much weight since her pregnancy that literally everything in her closet looked great on her! She was even able to fit into all of her skinny jeans!

{Why did I buy this?}

Just when I thought we had finished, Ashley says we are going to go through my shoes right? Sure, why not. Holly molly!!! Ashley had more shoes that I have ever seen! And most of them were nar and from high school!!! We laughed and laughed!! 

After the shoes we moved onto the bra/panty/sock drawer, upon Josh's request. Josh warned me that Ashley has some raggedy panties that she still wears. OMG, he was NOT kidding!! Her favorite pair looked like a mouse had gotten a hold of it and shredded it. Luckily, I talked her into throwing them away. 

Next we tried on bra's. Ashley complained the whole time that she now has itty bitty titties. lol By this time she was basically nakey for the rest of the night. The funny thing is, she didn't even notice until she walked me out to my car and said oh my ittty bitty titties aren't covered up! She is soo comfortable in her skin and loves me be naked and free!! I'm pretty much used to it and don't mind. {Bet you didn't know this, but Ashley cleans her house nakey!} 

{Ashley's Closet Makeover!}
By the time we finished, I am not kidding you Ashley only had about 5 fall/winter shirts. Her closet is so bare! Lucky for her she  wears scrubs everyday to work. We are going shopping Wednesday evening for some new sophisticated/trendy/non-mom cloths.