Tuesday, February 1, 2011

May Your Dreams Come True

On January 1, 2011 I signed up for Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Challenge to Master Organization and Achieve Your Goals. I have finished the program and come away with some amazing tools and habits. 

I look forward to January 1st every year. I get giddy inside with excitement. For some reason this is the one time of year when it feels okay to dream big and think about what you really want and not feel guilty about your dreams or think they are stupid and far fetched. The new year gives us all a fresh slate, a new set of goals and a new future. 

I get frustrated when I hear people say oh I don't set resolutions. Well I bet you those same people don't set goals either. To make your wieldest dreams come true you have to set goals and monitor them and work on them. Success or fortune doesn't happen overnight. You have to map out a strategy and work towards it. 

The other day Preston and I were talking about children.You know the pro's and con's of having children and how our life would change and what that would look like and if that's what we want. The conversation turned into how fun it would be to teach our child the important life lessons. I said I want to teach them that no dream is too big. And that with planning and well defined goals that any dream can be achieved. 

This conversation led to an ah-ha moment for Preston. Preston said you know I was thinking about a goal of mine and I didn't want to tell you or say it out loud because I thought it was silly or maybe even too big to achieve. 

Turns out his goal wasn't silly. It's going to take some planning and time to achieve, but it's possible. The take away is dream big and tell someone. Once you state the goal out loud the chance of it happening is more likely.

This challenge has reinforced the importance of goals. It has taught me how to identify my "push" goal- the one goal that if I achieve all of my others goals will fall into place. Chalene has shown me how to keep a productive and closely monitored to-do list on my iPhone, which is probably the most helpful tool I have come away with. 

In the 30 days that I have been doing this challenge I have become more focused. I feel that I have a system in place to track my goals and help me set to-do items that will move me closer to my goals. This challenge has also helped me at work. I feel more organized, I'm not forgetting to do things and I know exactly what needs to be done that day.

Chalene's Push Goal for this year is to have 100,000 people complete her challenge. Because Chalene has taught me so much I want to give back to her by sharing her challenge with you because I think it will be worth your time. Her challenge is totally free. Go to www.30daychallenge.com to find out more. 

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