I can't even tell you all of the workout moves we did today, but he pretty much worked everything on me with some high intensity cardio mixed in. Overall a great workout. Maybe one of my favorites thus far.
We also took my body fat percentage. UM YIKES! I am pretty sure it is up a point from when Preston and I had it done when we first joined the gym. Basically I need to lose 11 pounds, while still adding on muscle. This equates to a painfully slow process. How am I going to do this? I also confirmed that if I do nothing my body burns 1300 calories.
On a positive note I won the last Work Weight Loss Challenge {along with 2 other people}. I ended up losing almost 6 "lake and beer" pounds. We are currently in round 2 that will last 5 weeks. This time I set a goal of 2.4lbs. Slow and steady wins the race.
So here's a question for you. Have you ever thought about doing an Ironman? If you haven't read this book "You Are An Ironman" by Jacques Steinberg. I haven't been able to put it down. And it has me contemplating an Ironman even before I have attempted a marathon let alone anything longer than a 5K if you don't count the sprint triathlon. Yes you are hearing me right, this book makes me want to do an IRON-freaking-MAN. Please feel free to tell me I am insane crazy {and that I should attempt a 10k or 10 miler first then a 1/2 or full marathon before even speaking of the word again}.
I am sure this will pass. Just as these have:
- Vegan/Glutton Free Eating: who knew how hard this actually is! I am trying to keep from eating meat. I had my first veggie burger today at a restaurant. Pretty darn good.
- Puzzle: Preston and I started a puzzle at least a month ago and it's still not finished.
- Bracelet Making: I did make about 5 of them. So not a complete failure.
Your for sure crazy, but i've wanted to try on also in my lifetime. Can I borrow book when your finished